Sunday, January 12, 2014

BCA Projects

Following are the latest BCA Projects:

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bca projects free download with documentation

BCA PROJECT # 2- Hospital Information System





BCA Project Can be submitted by - BE, BCA, MCA, B TECH Computer Science Final Year students. IGNOU BCA, IGNOU MCA, SMU BCA, SMU MCA, B.Tech / B.E in Computer Science or Information technology, MTech, MS, BSC-IT as final year project.

7.7.4 Creating a run configuration:
The bca projects free download with documentation run configuration specifies the project to run, the Activity to start, the emulator options to use, and so on. When you first run a project as an Android Application, ADT will automatically create a run configuration. The bca projects free download with documentation default run configuration will launch the default project Activity and use automatic target mode for device selection (with no preferred AVD). If the default settings don't suit your project, you can customize the launch configuration or even create a new.
To create or modify a launch configuration, follow these steps as appropriate for your Eclipse version:
Open The bca projects free download with documentation run configuration manager.
In Eclipse 3.3 (Europa), select Run > Open Run Dialog (or Open Debug Dialog)
In Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede), select Run > Run Configurations (or Debug Configurations)
Expand the Android Application item and create a new configuration or open an existing one.
To create a new configuration:
Select Android Application and click the New launch configuration icon above the list (or, right-click Android Application and click New).
Enter a Name for your configuration.

bca projects free download with documentation

In the Android tab, browse and select The bca projects free download with documentation project you'd like to run with the configuration.
To open an existing configuration, select the configuration name from The bca projects free download with documentation list nested below Android Application.
Adjust your desired launch configuration settings.
In the Target tab, consider whether you'd like to use Manual or Automatic mode when selecting an AVD to run your application. See the following section on Automatic and manual target modes).
You can specify any emulator options to The bca projects free download with documentation Additional Emulator Command Line Options field. For example, you could add -scale 96dpi to scale the AVD's screen to an accurate size, based on the dpi of your computer monitor. For a full list of emulator options, see the Android Emulator document.
7.8 Designing:
 Designing for performance:
An Android application should be fast. Well, it's probably more accurate to say that it should be efficient. That is, it should execute as efficiently as possible in The bca projects free download with documentation mobile device environment, with its limited computing power and data storage, smaller screen, and constrained battery life.
As you develop your application, keep in mind that, while the application may perform well enough in your emulator, running on your dual-core development computer, it will not perform that well when run a mobile device — even the most powerful mobile device can't match the capabilities of a typical desktop system. For that reason, you should strive to write efficient code, to ensure The bca projects free download with documentation best possible performance on a variety of mobile devices.
Generally speaking, writing fast or efficient code means keeping memory allocations to a minimum, writing tight code, and avoiding certain language and programming idioms that can subtly cripple performance. In object-oriented terms, most of this work takes place at the method level, on the order of actual lines of code, loops, and so on.

bca projects free download with documentation

There are two basic rules for resource-constrained systems:
Don't do work that you don't need to do.
Don't allocate memory if you can avoid it.
All the tips below follow from these two basic tenets.
Some would argue that much of The bca projects free download with documentation advice on this page amounts to "premature optimization." While it's true that micro-optimizations sometimes make it harder to develop efficient data structures and algorithms, on embedded devices like handsets you often simply have no choice. For instance, if you bring your assumptions about VM performance on desktop machines to Android, you're quite likely to write code that exhausts system memory. This will bring your application to a crawl — let alone what it will do to other programs running on the system!
That's why these guidelines are important. Android's success depends on the user experience that your applications provide, and that user experience depends in part on whether your code is responsive and snappy, or slow and aggravating. Since all our applications will run on The bca projects free download with documentation same devices, we're all in this together, in a way. Think of this document as like the rules of the road you had to learn when you got your driver's license: things run smoothly when everybody follows them, but when you don't, you get your car smashed up.
Before we get down to brass tacks, a brief observation: nearly all issues described below are valid whether or not the VM features a JIT compiler. If I have two methods that accomplish The bca projects free download with documentation same thing, and the interpreted execution of foo() is faster than bar(), then the compiled version of foo() will probably be as fast or faster than compiled bar(). It is unwise to rely on a compiler to "save" you and make your code fast enough.
Avoid creating objects:
Object creation is never free. A generational GC with per-thread allocation pools for temporary objects can make allocation cheaper, but allocating memory is always more expensive than not allocating memory.
If you allocate objects in a user interface loop, you will force a periodic garbage collection, creating little "hiccups" in the user experience.
Thus, you should avoid creating object instances you don't need to. Some examples of things that can help:
When extracting strings from a set of input data, try to return a substring of The bca projects free download with documentation original data, instead of creating a copy. You will create a new String object, but it will share the char[] with the data.
If you have a method returning a string, and you know that its result will always be appended to a StringBuffer anyway, change your signature and implementation so that the function does The bca projects free download with documentation append directly, instead of creating a short-lived temporary object.
A somewhat more radical idea is to slice up multidimensional arrays into parallel single one-dimension arrays:

bca projects free download with documentation

An array of ints is a much better than an array of Integers, but this also generalizes to the fact that two parallel arrays of ints are also a lot more efficient than an array of (int,int) objects. The same goes for any combination of primitive types.
If you need to implement a container that stores tuples of (Foo,Bar) objects, try to remember that two parallel Foo[] and Bar[] arrays are generally much better than a single array of custom (Foo,Bar) objects. (The exception to this, of course, is when you're designing an API for other code to access; in those cases, it's usually better to trade correct API design for a small hit in speed. But in your own internal code, you should try and be as efficient as possible.)
Generally speaking, avoid creating short-term temporary objects if you can. Fewer objects created mean less-frequent garbage collection, which has a direct impact on user experience.

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